
This is the kind of training all educational practitioners should undertake...

Trauma Informed Schools UK is quite simply the best CPD that I have undertaken, both personally and professionally. It absolutely underpins all we do for young people and their families and once thinking in the TIS way, it truly changes or reinforces strategies, feelings and practice. During the diploma, it became quite apparent that this is the kind of training all educational practicioners should undertake. It is the driving force of our school and is the foundation of all we do - so much so, we now have up to double figures of teachers and LSA's who have obtained the diploma. Personally, it has allowed me to reflect on my own being, practice and beliefs. Hands down, the most powerful, thought provoking and transformative training ever!

Clare Hewitt Headteacher / PennaethNeyland Community Primary School

Thought provoking and transformative...

The opportunity to do the practitioner training has been hugely beneficial to my Pastoral Lead role in school. It was thought provoking and transformative in that it has opened up deeper understanding of a young person that may be seen as more challenging in the school environment.

Understanding the neuroscience behind it all was both interesting and enlightening. Highlighting the negative impact that ACEs can have on an individual and giving practical suggestions on how an emotionally available adult is able to support has been essential to developing more trusting relationships between vulnerable students and staff.

It has added another dimension of understanding on how we can support our students and staff in school. ‘Hurry slowly’ has been an essential part of delivering a trauma informed approach at YBA and we are invested in this journey.

Johanna EbreyDeputy Headteacher / Dirprwy BennaethYsgol Bryn Alyn

The most incredible, mind-set changing course I have attended...

The TIS Wales Diploma was the most incredible, mind-set changing course that I have attended over my career as a counsellor. Informative, thought provoking, sensitive material delivered by dedicated and passionate presenters. I took away a whole new approach to embedding positive mental health across the school, and left every day of the course feeling positive. I would highly recommend doing any of the training that is available.

Julie ChandlerCounsellor & Wellbeing Lead / Cwnselydd ac Arweinydd Lles Bodnant Community Primary School

Honestly, I couldn’t believe it, well done to you all...

I had a joyous moment in clinic last Thursday. A young person I was seeing came in and it became clear that she didn’t need me anymore. Her mum had originally referred her to me to get her diagnosed for bi polar or schizophrenia (I kid you not)…. at 15! She’s lovely but angry (surprise, surprise!).

She confidently told me that she felt better because her teacher had said to her that day, that she was happy to be her emotionally available adult. Honestly, I couldn’t believe it, well done to you all.

Anonymous Delegate

TIS training has given me the courage and confidence to make a difference...

TIS training has given me the courage and confidence to fulfil my passion to make a difference to the amazing children I work with. Thank you!

Annmarie WhiteLearning Support Assistant / Cynorthwyydd Addysgu

TIS has provided me with skills to approach my practice in a different way...

TIS has provided me with skills that has allowed me to approach my practice in a different way. Having a true understanding that everyone can play a part in supporting a young person, and that we as a generation can play a part in creating confident, independent children, who are given the opportunity to have an emotionally available adult.

Kiera JonesEducation Mental Health Practitioner North Wales CAMHS In-Reach Service / Ymarferydd Iechyd Meddwl Addysg Mewngymorth Ysgolion CAMHS Gogledd CymruNorth Wales CAMH School In Reach Service

I have attended many courses over my 23 year career but this one changed my practice for good...

I have attended many courses over my 23 year career but can honestly say this one changed my practice for good. It gave me permission to use my skills confidently and more importantly tailor them to the person in front of me and the situation that presents itself on that day. I added so many tools to my toolkit and truly reflected on what it means to be an emotionally available adult. The lecturers are a joy to learn from and were emotionally available adults for the participants on the course! Best course I’ve attended by a mile!

Helen Hornsby-JonesSenior Clinical CAMHS Practitioner / Uwch Ymarferydd Clinigol CAMHS Sir Ddinbych Denbighshire CAMHS

I felt privileged to experience such relevant training...

I completed my diploma in Trauma Informed Schools in 2019 and felt privileged to experience such relevant training. I have always cared deeply about the young people I work with but TIS gave me the ‘how’ and ‘why’ and validated my practice. Since then not a day goes by in my working life that I don’t involve my Trauma Informed Thinking in my practice. It has given me a greater understanding of the young people I work with but also a clear way to explain thinking to the staff I support.

I feel privileged to be part of the TIS Team. In a world where waiting lists are long and it is easy to ‘pass the problem on’ TIS helps people see that ‘We are the Army’ of support that will make all the difference to the young people we work with. More importantly TIS has helped me think more reflectively about myself and my own ‘make up’. I continue to wave the flag for ‘Trauma Informed’ as the impact on young people is monumental.

Caroline PayneTeacher (ASD Base) / Athrawes (ASA)Crownbridge

Nothing short of transformational...

Working with TIS Wales has been nothing short of transformational. Understanding the communication that is behaviour and dysregulation has made us kinder and more empathic. As a consequence, outcomes for pupils have improved dramatically and our school is a calmer place.

Chris BrittenExecutive Headteacher / Pennaeth GweithredolYsgol Y Deri

Training more TIS staff is important to our future...

Becoming a TIS school is amazing. TIS has supported and enabled us to be known as a school that puts Health, Wellbeing for pupils and staff at the heart of everything. TIS has supported and complemented our school philosophy which aims to support all our pupils, regardless of their previous experiences, to be “mindful, enthusiastic and emotionally agile in their care and learning for themselves, others and their environment”. Training more TIS staff is important to our future.

Lorraine Cadwallader-JonesActing Headteacher, Nurture Lead and Wellbeing Co-ordinator / Pennaeth Dros Dro, Arweinydd Magwraeth a Chydlynydd LlesYsgol Cefnllys

We have changed our whole school approach...

We were delighted to achieve our Trauma Informed Schools award this year. We have changed our whole school approach and by doing so have embedded the TIS practices to create a safe and nurturing environment for all pupils but particularly those that have experienced trauma. Our recent Estyn report also highlighted the work we do as part of the TIS family.

Rona JonesHeadteacher / PennaethYsgol Emmanuel

It has not only revolutionised my practise professionally but also how I parent...

The training is truly amazing! It has not only revolutionised my practice professionally but also how I parent. If anyone asks for training recommendations, the TIS training is always at the top of my list! I was so inspired by this course I am now training to be a Play Therapist!

Jackie BurnsHLTA Nurture Lead / Arweinydd Magwraeth CALUNeyland Community School

In 20 years this was the first CPD that has had a long lasting, positive impact on me and the children I teach...

The TIS Diploma completely changed not only my professional outlook but also the way I parent my own children too. As a teacher for 20 years this was the first CPD that has had a long lasting, positive impact on myself and the children I teach. I cannot sing its praises enough and I would encourage everyone to take part in their training.

Anonymous Delegate

This is the best training course I've been on...

This is the best training course I've been on. It has changed the way I look at situations, especially those involving children and young people. I have gained essential skills since completing the training. I have used these skills in my school, and it has made a huge difference to the children I work with.

Cara GriffithIntergration Assistant / Cymhorthydd IntegreiddioYsgol Y Borth

The positive progression my young people have made utilising the learnt interventions has been incredible to witness...

TIS has provided me with powerful tools and a greater understanding to better support and aid my young people’s journeys through this thing we call life. The positive progression my young people have made utilising the learnt interventions has been incredible to witness and be apart of!

Samantha MatthewsLead Worker / Gweithiwr Arweiniol BCBC

Trauma Informed Schools UK has become an integral part of our school ethos and culture...

Trauma Informed Schools UK has become an integral part of our school ethos and culture at Ysgol Dinas Brân. We have seen first hand the impact a trained TIS practitioner can have supporting our pupils; as well as how training has enabled direct support and techniques for teachers to use in class.

Kim Brooks (Harris)CADY/ALNCo - Pennaeth Cynorthwyol/Assistant HeadteacherYsgol Dinas Brân

The training is undoubtedly the most enjoyable training I have undertaken...

I genuinely feel privileged to have been part of one of the Trauma Informed training cohorts. The training is undoubtedly the most enjoyable training I have undertaken. I feel that this training has helped me grow both personally and professionally. It has had such a positive impact on my practice and has left such a lasting impression and shaped a better counsellor in me. Thank you for the gift of TIS.

Nia MillsSchool-based Counsellor / Cwnselydd YsgolConwy CBC

It gave me tools and strategies to help reach those young people who are really struggling...

I found the Trauma Informed Schools Diploma to have been very informative, positive learning experience and fun. It was a great addition to my counselling qualification and I feel sits alongside this perfectly. With working in schools, I am able to put the theory behind my practice, it gave me tools and strategies to help reach those young people who are really struggling, to adapt my sessions to promote engagement, contact and increase knowledge with my young people. I use my P and three Rs on a daily basis with the team I manage, with school staff and with all the young people I work with. Two thirds of my team have now been trained in this and the last few team members are currently waiting to get onto the next course.

Sharon McIntyreCounselling Coordinator / Cydlynydd Cwnsela

Thought provoking and enlightening...

Such a thought provoking and enlightening experience that continues to impact positively on my daily practice.

Sharon GriffithsYsgol Sant Elfod Junior School

Potential to change lives…

The TISUK Diploma course gives an amazing understanding and tools to be able to help children and young people who have experienced trauma and gives practitioners the potential to change lives. I believe that everyone working with children should experience this course

Chrissy DickensPsychological Therapist / Therapydd Seicolegol Pathways Theraputic Services

Should be the foundation of every teacher’s training!

For me, with 32 years of experience as a teacher and Headteacher, this is by far the most valuable course I have attended. From the moment we started the training, I was hooked! The sessions crystallised the reasoning behind the more challenging behaviours we have been seeing in our children. Understanding children’s neurodevelopment is key and Coral and her team certainly have years of experience and make the sometimes difficult content understandable and palatable . The trainers’ passion and delivery were humbling and the break-out sessions vital for discussion and opportunities to unpick what we were learning. It has made a big difference to our school- we are now on a quest to get all our staff trained as Trauma Informed practitioners. This way, we will ensure that our children are understood and we can adapt our behaviour to match their needs. The course should be the foundation of every teacher’s training!

Glenda OwenHeadteacher / PennaethYsgol Capelulo

It is not always easy supporting pupils with their emotional wellbeing but TIS are there to provide regular support.

The impact of having Trauma informed members of staff in our school has been incredible. We have created a whole school approach to wellbeing that ensures that all of our pupils are given opportunities to recognise and communicate how they feeling at the start of everyday. All staff understand that relationships are key and this means that all pupils feel listened to and trust us. Interventions are delivered by the TIS trained staff for those pupils need extra support. The one stand out difference from the TIS training to other courses that you can do is that they offer termly supervision sessions which are vital in supporting the staff's emotional wellbeing, it is not always easy supporting pupils with their emotional wellbeing but TIS are there to provide regular support.

Caroline BuftonALNCO & Acting Headteacher / CADY a Phennaeth Dros DroMaesyrhandir CP School